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Michigan Municipal Executives

May 5, 2020

COVID-19 Puts "Ready for Anything" to the Test 
John Shay | MME President

It’s been only two months since I last drafted an article for the MME E-newsletter, but the world could not have changed more than it has since the e-newsletter last appeared in March. Our personal and professional lives have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic in ways that bring to life MME’s tagline of "Ready for Anything." Read more.

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Professional Development Committee Update
Julius Suchy | Chair, Professional Development Committee

While it is disappointing that the 2020 MME Summer Workshop is cancelled due to the uncertainty of COVID-19, the Professional Development Committee will be working to identify valuable virtual training opportunities to bring to MME members in the summer and fall of 2020. We look forward to making announcements on this in the upcoming months. Read more

COVID-19 Resources: Each Other
Adam Smith | Chair, Advocacy Committee

Understanding different perspectives is essential for making sound decisions in your community. Regardless of whether or not we agree on any given issue, I thank each of you for sharing your perspective on our listserv. We encourage you to meet with your Regional Group and submit a link to your COVID-19 resource web page to with "MME COVID link" in the subject line. Read more

Experience Committee Update 
Al Vanderberg | Chair, Experience Committee

This is typically the slowest time of the year for the Experience Committee. COVID-19 has made that even more the case. We have been spending time seeking nominations for a variety of ICMA awards. We will soon be putting a call out to the membership for nominations for the 2020 Patriarche Award, so it is not too soon to be thinking of worthy candidates for this award.  Read more.

Follow MME on Twitter
Advocacy Committee

As you peruse your respective social media sites, please consider "following" MME's Twitter page - @MIMunicipalExec. And as you post about your fantastic community, feel free to tag MME so that we can all hear about and enjoy how great your community is doing. Check out our Twitter page.

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New MME Members

New applicants for MME membership from the months since the last MME E-Newsletter was distributed are listed by category on the Member News page of our website. Any objections that would impact their membership status or category should be submitted to MME within 60 days of the date of this publication. Objections should be addressed to the Ethics Committee Chair, Mark Rambo, at

View the latest list of new MME members.

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Save the Date for Future MME Events 

Summer Workshop
2021 - July 20-23, Rochester/Auburn Hills
2022 - July, Holland

Winter Institute
2021 - Jan. 26-29, Grand Rapids
2022 - Troy
2023 - TBD


Member News

Member News features recent job changes, retirements and remembrances for MME members. It also highlights new MME and ICMA members. Have someone you'd like to add? Email the details to

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