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May 10, 2024

MME President’s Column May 2024

Christian Wuerth | MME President

The transition from late winter to spring brings about a lot of changes in the environment around us, and the growing daylight hours seem to help lift everyone’s moods a little. On a personal level, a lot of us are likely looking forward to planned vacations and time with family this summer. Professionally, infrastructure projects are ramping up, and for those of us with July 1 fiscal year starts, this is also a time where we focus on budgeting and preparing for the future needs for our communities. Read more.

Members in Transition 

Deborah Stuart | Member Success Committee Chair

The Member Success Committee is currently focusing on how we can better support our Members in Transition. 
According to the ICMA (2021), The Member’s Guide to a Career That Has Ups, Downs, And Detours : 
“The (City and County Manager) position is often subject to shifting political winds when elections change the composition of the governing body and some of the new members believe the community needs a new manager.” Read more.

The Power of Mentorship 

Brandon Skopek | Early Career Outreach Committee Chair

In our journey throughout life and our careers, having an individual to show us the ropes can make all the difference. That is what mentorship is all about. Mentors offer invaluable wisdom, advice, and support. Additionally, mentoring can help mentees see things from a different perspective. Mentorship nurtures talent, fosters innovation, and paves the way for individual and collective success. Mentors play a crucial role in guiding career progression and can help mentees set career goals, identify growth opportunities, and develop strategies for improvement. Read more.

Ethics Committee Update 

Erin LaPere | Ethics Committee Member

Tenet 9 of the ICMA Code of Ethics: “Keep the community informed on local government affairs. Encourage and facilitate active engagement and constructive communication between community members and all local government officials.”

Keeping the community informed and encouraging an engaged public is an important role of local leaders. Read more.

Professional Development Committee Update 

Warren Rothe | Professional Development Committee Chair

At the time of writing, the Professional Development Committee is in full swing putting together an array of Summer Workshop content that promises to immerse all attendees in the conference’s themes of wellness and technology. More information on sessions, speakers, and activities will be announced shortly. Read more.

Advocacy Committee Update 

Jared Olson | Advocacy Committee Vice-Chair

As we welcome the vibrant change from winter into spring, the Michigan Municipal Executives (MME) organization and the MME Advocacy Committee remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating statewide for the municipal management profession. With a focus on informing elected officials, communities, and other professional organizations of its benefits, our committee and its members aim to highlight the invaluable benefits of the council-manager form of government. Read more.

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New MME Members

New applicants for MME membership from the months since the last MME E-Newsletter was distributed are listed by category on the Member News page of our website. Any objections that would impact their membership status or category should be submitted to MME within 60 days of the date of this publication. Objections should be addressed to Ethics Committee Chair Juan Ganum at

View the latest list of new MME members.

Save the Date for Future MME Events

Summer Workshop
2024 – July 16–19, Marquette

Past Events

Winter Institute
2024 – January 29–February 1, Lansing

Summer Workshop

2023 – July 24-27, Frankenmuth

Winter Institute

2023 – January 31-February 3, Grand Rapids

MME Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Final Report

Member News

Member News features recent job changes, retirements, and remembrances for MME members. It also highlights new MME and ICMA members. Have someone you'd like to add? Fill out this form.

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