May 11, 2022
Moving Forward Michael Cain | MME President
I always love this time of year. The promise of Spring becomes ever more real with the disappearing snow, budding and blooming plants and cleansing rains. Keep in mind I write this as nearby Boyne Mountain just had its first weekend of the year without any skiing. It was the same weekend where my wife and I traveled down to East Lansing where it was in the 80s and conversations on the listserv were looking forward to Miggy’s 3,000th hit, becoming part of the Tigers' and MLB’s history. Even so, they are predicting that now four-letter word—snow—to return here before week’s end. You may wonder, what the heck is Cain rambling on about? It is perspective. Read more.

Summer Workshop – Save the Date Frances McMullan | Chair, Professional Development Committee
I hope everyone has marked their calendars to attend the 2022 MME Summer Workshop in Holland, July 19-22. The Professional Development Committee is in the midst of planning this conference and we have some excellent education sessions, entertainment, and workshops in the works. There also will be opportunities to experience all that downtown Holland has to offer during the summer in Michigan. Read more.
Celebrating Our Own Marty Colburn | Chair, Member Success Committee
The Member Success Committee is always looking for positive stories about our MME members. In that vein, I’d like to use this month’s column to recognize two of our long-time MME members—Ray Anderson, former Norway City Manager, and Rob Straebel, former Petoskey and Charlevoix Manager. Ray is retiring and Rob is leaving our state for a new position in Maryland. Here is some information about both. Read more.

Advocacy – What Is Your [Blank]? Matthew Baumgarten | Chair, Advocacy Committee
Have you ever thought about your elected board and said, "I just wish they understood [blank] about my role..." It can be frustrating trying to educate our elected officials about the Council-Manager form of government on your own. That is why your MME Advocacy Committee is working on ready-made materials that will aid you, our profession, and our partners in the MML in painting a complete picture of this noble profession. To educate is to advocate and our committee has been collecting materials to accomplish this dual goal. Read more.
Follow MME on Twitter Advocacy Committee
As you peruse your respective social media sites, please consider following MME's Twitter page - @MIMunicipalExec. And as you post about your fantastic community, feel free to use the hashtag #MME so that we can all hear about and enjoy how great your community is doing. Check out our Twitter page.
New MME Members
New applicants for MME membership from the months since the last MME E-Newsletter was distributed are listed by category on the Member News page of our website. Any objections that would impact their membership status or category should be submitted to MME within 60 days of the date of this publication. Objections should be addressed to the Ethics Committee Chair, Robert Bruner, at r.bruner@troymi.gov.
View the latest list of new MME members.

Save the Date for Future MME Events
Summer Workshop 2022 – July 19-22, Holland
2023 – July 25-27, Frankenmuth
Winter Institute 2023 – January 31-February 3, Grand Rapids
Past Events Winter Institute
2022 – January 25-28, Troy
MME Summer Workshop 2021 – July 20-23, Rochester & Auburn Hills
MME Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Final Report |
Member News
Member News features recent job changes, retirements and remembrances for MME members. It also highlights new MME and ICMA members. Have someone you'd like to add? Email the details to webposting@mml.org.
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Michigan Municipal Executives, 1675 Green Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, United States