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Michigan Municipal Executives

Nov. 10, 2020

MME Taps into Creativity and Perseverance in Challenging Year 
John Shay | MME President

In some ways, I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by (for example: my term as president) and in other ways how slow it has progressed (think COVID, social distancing, face masks, etc.). The year 2020 is a year we will not soon forget. As your first "virtual" president, I was disappointed that we were not able to gather in person. However, my disappointment pales in comparison to the level of pride that I have in our profession in general, and in the MME in particular. Read more.

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New Employee Assistance Program for Professional Members
Adam Smith | Chair, Advocacy Committee

I am happy to share with you that our MME Board of Directors recently authorized the establishment of a member assistance program with LifeWorks for our professional members. The EAP is a confidential service provided by LifeWorks for MME professional members that offers help with personal and work-related issues. Read more.  

Updates from the Professional Development Committee 
Julius Suchy | Chair, Professional Development Committee

While the Professional Development Committee was looking forward to the Grand Rapids location for the 2021 Winter Institute, there is no way the committee could put together a safe conference that wouldn’t be subject to changes or cancellations that could have cost the MME significantly. Following a survey of the membership, the PDC decided to move forward with a virtual conference to be held Wednesday, Jan. 27 and Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021. Read more.


Nominations Open for a Variety of MME Awards!  
Al Vanderberg | Chair, Experience Committee

The Experience Committee is deep into administration of the annual MME Awards process and we have an update and an extension for you. The update is we’ve added another new award category – the DEI Leadership Award. Regarding the extension, we’ve moved the deadline to submit award nominations from Friday, Nov. 13 to Monday, Nov. 23. Read more.


Updates from the NextGen Committee 
Justin Breyer | Chair, NextGen Committee

I would like to share some updates on a few ongoing NextGen Committee projects. The committee will be working with the University of Michigan to help identify local government managers and senior officials to participate in the Ask Me Anything series. We hosted a successful Virtual Networking Event and we're planning more. And we're building a contact list for students interested in the profession who may not be currently serving in a community or have access to the listserv. Read more.

ICMA Seeks Regional Appointees and Candidates 

Victor Cardenas | Asst. City Manager, Novi

First, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support for my candidacy for the ICMA Board. The process has already started to replace another Midwest VP whose term ends in October 2021. The current VPs represent Missouri, Minnesota, and the mitten state, so preference is given to the remaining three states: Indiana, Iowa, and Wisconsin. We encourage you to suggest any of your colleagues in those three states to apply. Read more.

Follow MME on Twitter
Advocacy Committee

As you peruse your respective social media sites, please consider "following" MME's Twitter page - @MIMunicipalExec. And as you post about your fantastic community, feel free to tag MME so that we can all hear about and enjoy how great your community is doing. Check out our Twitter page.

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New MME Members

New applicants for MME membership from the months since the last MME E-Newsletter was distributed are listed by category on the Member News page of our website. Any objections that would impact their membership status or category should be submitted to MME within 60 days of the date of this publication. Objections should be addressed to the Ethics Committee Chair, Mark Rambo, at

View the latest list of new MME members.

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Save the Date for Future MME Events 

Summer Workshop
2021 - July 20-23, Rochester/Auburn Hills
2022 - July, Holland
2023 - Frankenmuth (tentative)

Winter Institute
2021 - Jan. 27-28, Virtual
2022 - Troy
2023 - Grand Rapids (tentative)


Member News

Member News features recent job changes, retirements and remembrances for MME members. It also highlights new MME and ICMA members. Have someone you'd like to add? Email the details to

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